
Ourfairview Deja Vous
(Opium Weilkopolski Bernardyn At Ourfairview (IMP POL) X Ourfairview Thriller)
DOB - 17/02/18
Hips - 5:6
Elbows - 0:0
Heart - Clear

Daze was from Mimi's litter, that I didn't actually plan to keep from, as I had planned to keep from her next litter unless there was a maskless bitch. But, as the litter grew, the pups all reminded me of a dog passed, and Daze reminded me of my first Saint Daisy. I named them all names that had a link to previous dogs.
Daze was one of the sweetest puppies, and I planned to keep her and call her Deja... but it never felt right. After her siblings left I decided to try the name Daze, which at first felt weird as it was Daisy's nickname, but it fitted well. As she became a pain, it fitted perfectly - Daisy was a pain too!

Daze is quite possibly one of the most busy girls we have. She is rarely still, I barely catch her sleeping, and she has a very fun, bouncy nature. She utterly adores cuddles... invited or not!
I imagine after a litter she will settle, but will always be very much like Daisy, who to me, was the most perfect girl ever.