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crufts 2018 , rewritten tamed version of my thoughts .....

Crufts 2018 trip!!!!

Once again we managed to find enough childcare dog care and puppy sitters to nip off to crufts , with bright eyes and bushy tails we came down from our hotel for the short walk to enter crufts , cups of tea in hand for our dear friend ali and her husband who were showing their beautiful ourfairview boy

Norbs had a fab time in the show ring and certain wasn’t fazed that crufts was only his 2nd ever show

Unfortunately he wasn’t placed but he did look immature compared to some of the others and that’s ok he has time on his side- some of the other dogs were older and one almost had the judges hand off, you wont find an ourfairview dog doing that , well done to ali and ste and of course norbs for being awesome

Its no secret im not on the crufts judges Christmas card list, and shes not on mine, however I felt her judging was fair, she gave everyone their time and she certainly looked like she was debating hard of the top placings – from outside the ring we could all feel her dilemma

The st Bernard best of breed “ jack” I believe became a uk champion at crufts and also won best of breed for the 2nd year running, while I don’t feel he didn’t deserve his place I do feel a tiny bit sad the same dog won 2 years in a row and nothing new or better was presented …….

I saw some very nice , and some not so nice dogs being shown for st bernards , one dog had a clear popping hock and that’s a real shame, this was I believe pointed out last year by many people.

Some Dogs have once again become bigger and with that the eyes are bad, and some of the dogs shown were so bad they were almost scruffed to be able to find their eyes under the extra skin, that to me, is a real sadness, and if I were judging id have completely discounted the dog whose face I had to physically move to find its eyes………… I imagine its sad for a judge to do that …. I imagine its worse for a dog to live like that

Of course I saw several dogs that I would have taken home, a lovely Russian smooth , a stunning polish smooth and a very handsome rough who I thought could have taken the BOB anyday ……

After the showing part of my day was over we did some shopping, we met with some wonderful friends and it felt like a really lovely day , new friends met old friends hugged we went off for another wander

We came to discover dogs , and wow what a fab stand bulldogs had, telling you so much information , oozing with love and pride for their breed and just lovely dogs ( though I know little about the standard they looked fab)

We discovered pharoh hounds , and were told a very clear set of pros verses cons to the breed, its so important to tell both sides- seems we couldn’t cope with one!

Various breed stands had multiple dogs and multiple information sheets hung up, flags, photos , balloons banners and all kinds of bits and bobs related to their breed and props that they were willing to use and talk to you about

George my husband asked the same questions to multiple breeds and the answers flowed freely and with pride , we cuddled where we could, patted what we could and quietly spoke over sleeping dogs which all looked smelled and felt wonderful , some wore ties for the day others laid on their pretty beds and had their tummies ready for rubbing

Then we came to discover dogs for st bernards

And what a crying shame we did , I honestly wished I didn’t , however It could have been a friend I wanted to say hello too

As it happened I didn’t know the older lady sat on her chair inside her dogs crate, trying hard to not talk to anyone or make eye contact

George my husband asked her why should people choose a st Bernard ….the exact question he asked every other breed we stopped at

The lady’s reply was “ ive had them for 60 years that’s why “

Someone else asked if they were family dogs , to which she replied “ well yes that’s my daughter we have them she survived ” ( id guess her daughter is 40 and she was 70 ish!!!)

I cant help but feel that this was such a poor “ show” for our breed , and then the dog , the st Bernard that public are supposed to meet and snuggle, to base their views on for the breed, to consider….. well what a sorry state he was

No bed to lay on, no water , no toys, smelly, tufts of fur and oh so very thin….. those stopping by who know what a saint should look like were upset, teary and angry , me included

I can only apologize if the dog was indeed a rescue that was on the road to recovery and wish him well , however if he wasn’t newly rescued then oh my goodness

What a let down !!!! what a state !!!! what an utter shame !!!! can we wonder why pedigree dogs get a bad name?????

Judging was fair, most show dogs we great, friendly atmosphere, clean toilets , nice dinner , utterly terrible discover dogs

( and yes I went straight to who organizes it and said id do next year if needed)

the Hilton made a wonderful all chocolate display , I wonder if its survived so far!!!!

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Ourfairview St Bernards 


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