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Red diesel at ourfairview

Red diesel at Ourfairview 15/13/08- 19/11/21

12 years 11 months 4 days young

4681 days I’ve had you with me , you came with a tin of pedigree kc paperwork , and diarrhoea and was the very best dog , I couldn’t believe my luck you weren’t sold when I saw your photo and knew you were the one We picked you up on a snowy day and missed collecting Harlie and cydnie , an hour late!

We helped you go this morning , took you to the crematorium and have you home already, you wasn’t spending a night away from your home not on my watch

4676 nights at Ourfairview ( we snuck him on holiday and one over night at the vets )

My first boy dog and what a boy what a gentleman

We went showing together, we went to hospitals , nursing homes , schools , parks , the beach days

You never missed a bbq or a birthday and made both mine and Chelsea’s baby shower

You snuck upstairs when I was really very poorly

You were with me for the birth of Frankie and Cesalie

I honestly have no real way to describe you that will even half show how much I loved you

The sun shone from you , and now it’s gone.

I can not imagine life without you there , birthday cake without your slice, bbqs without your steak , Christmas without your plate

I can’t imagine going to bed tonight without you in your bed and me telling you I love you

I will hold onto all the amazing memories, all the love you gave , and that I know you know we all loved you

I hold onto the rare time we had to put you on a lead ( mainly because you were deaf ) and you’d look at us as-if we had gone mad - the king does not wear a lead !

I recently choose a new little boy , I chose one who had the same markings as you , not to replace you but to honour you, if he is a tiny bit as good as you , that would be awesome . Hopefully the markings and bum spit are a good omen

The children measure dog friendly ness on a scale of dangerous to like diesel

If you could have an extra day for everyone who said they wanted you, or a puppy like you, you’d be here a much longer time . You were loved .

I’ll remember every time you sat with me in the toilet when I’m having a bad day.

You had cake as breakfast today , and after the littles went to school we had a 9am bbq . Your favourite

We sobbed , a lot . But we smiled too

Anyone who ever said “ it’s just a dog” never loved a dog because my heart is hurting so so much that I’m not sure if this is grief or I’m about to drop dead and I sure watched the children’s hearts break last night when I told them today was the day , aunt chels too , you were her first dog too

We will all miss you

Rest easy my sunshine


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