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guest blog ....WE ARE HUSKY PEOPLE, RIGHT?


Guest Blog by the Carmichaels (well Sharon, at least!)

A few moons ago, we were owned by 2 brown Newfs. 2 girls, litter mates. We had almost 12 amazing years with the big slobbering, lumbering oafs. They died 2 weeks apart, just shy of their 12th birthdays. Our hearts were broken. The house was empty but we couldn’t bear to have any other Newfoundlands at the time. We dipped our toes into Husky madness, thereafter. First came Nanuk, a husky x Mal, unwanted by his owner, who wanted him for her boyfriend and yip, they split up. After having placid Newfs for years, this was a shock. He was a blooming nightmare!! Bit me more times than I can remember but he was my boy and I wasn’t about to give up… and I didn’t. He became my doggie soul mate. A gobby, daft as a brush buffoon who followed me everywhere, quite literally. He was my boy. Fast forward and long story short, we ended up with 5 huskies (2 KC from an amazing breeder up here in Scotland). By then, I’d gotten involved in the longest running husky rescue and coordinate Scotland and the NE of England for the rescue. We adopted another 2 huskies from the rescue. They are our life but still, we always hankered to having a giant breed again at some point.

We moved house last year, big house in the middle of nowhere really. Huge gardens and a field. The time was right for drool in our lives again! Our daughter is Queen of finding all things good via the net and find ‘Ourfairview’ she did. We obviously dug about, as you do.. and realised that Cheri was the breeder for us. Except.. this time we wanted a Saint. A big needy, affectionate, slobbery Saint

Gracie was born on the 21st of May. I swear I saw every minute of the night/morning that Dahlia was in labour, phone in hand ready to email Cheri, the minute a girl was born! We reserved our girl. We had no reservations, our huskies are well rounded dogs, fab natures and whilst a breed apart, we knew we were ready for a giant breed again.

Time passed slowly waiting on the weeks going by. Husky life continued as normal. Nina, Nala, Kiska, Indy and daft as a brush, Nanuk. Except 1 morning, the day before my birthday, Nanuk wasn’t as daft as a brush anymore, though had been the night before. He lay down’ no chit chat, didn’t even want his beloved charcoal biscuits(I’m sure they’d be the human equivalent of marmite!). I knew he was ill. Straight to the vets with him then to a specialist centre where he was admitted. We, along with the vets did everything we could and more. He died, aged 6yrs, 2 days after my birthday. A sudden but very serious illness took him. Devastated doesn’t cover the feeling. My soul mate was gone. My gobby idiot wasn’t talking anymore. Thoughts of Gracie kept us going. We knew he would of approved. 6 days after he died, Nala had a seizure followed by another the next day. After scans and spinal taps, our gobby Geordie husky, was diagnosed with epilepsy and still, thoughts of Gracie kept us going

On the 21st of July, we brought our very special, bundle of squishiness home. A timid wee soul. Oh how that changed quickly! We are mindful that huskies play rough but they’ve all been brilliant really. They seem to know its not ok to take her by the throat or yank her legs off like they do with each other!. Madam Gracie pants(as we call her) cares not a jot and has taken on Nanuk’s roll of being a noisy, in your face gobster! I swear she has Nanuk’s testicles hidden on her somewhere as she has as much balls as him!! She has made us all laugh with her antics, her attempts at serene cuteness, followed by a swift bite to the ankles as you are about to take a step, meaning you literally jump about as if you are on hot coals. Lead training is work in progress-you put a collar/harness on a husky and they get it, walk and pull ones arms out the sockets. It’s instant, no tug toy malarkey, madam pants is doing the tug toy malarkey!! Gracie can never replace Nanuk obviously, but she has occupied another place in our hearts. I think Nanuk knew his time was coming to an end and I’m sure he nudged us to be getting our giant breed again, now. Whatever the reason, we are so glad we chose ‘Ourfairview’ . beautifully natured albeit slightly nutty dogs. Exactly what we needed

The huskies don’t really play with toys though Nanuk did. He had a favourite red rubber thing that he carried about like a dummy!. It has lain in the garden, where he last left it. Untouched. Last week, for the first time, Gracie, picked it up and walked across the patio with it.

Nanuk’s job was done

in loving memory of nanuk , who left for rainbow bridge 23rd june 2018


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